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5.0.3 is a hotfix for BIGFOOT that was released on October 23rd, 2023.



  • Vegetation materials rendering optimization.
  • Animals, Bigfoot, and hunters animations rendering optimization.
  • Nicknames rendering optimization.
  • Materials optimization.
  • Improved display of highlighted UI buttons.
  • Improved control of UI sliders using a gamepad.
  • Lobby name check to prevent the creation of two lobbies with the same name.


  • Bugs with exiting tablet mode using Esc and others.
  • A bug with the display of default weapon skins in the game when a DLC skin is assigned.
  • Bugs using the zipline.
  • Infinite loading screen when connecting to a lobby with a game running or a full lobby.
  • A bug when it is impossible to control the drone’s altitude using a gamepad.
  • Bug with incorrect assignment of difficulty level.
  • AI Bigfoot can get stuck in a hammock.
  • Bug with the damage next to closed curtains.
  • Bug with incorrect display of hunter animations on the client.
  • Corrections to the style of some UI elements of the main menu.
  • Fixes for character hair rendering.
  • Impossibility to delete a save game using a gamepad.
  • Fixed culling of interactive objects.
  • Cannot switch devices on the tablet using the gamepad.
  • Resetting binds in settings does not work.
  • The player's HUD stacked every time he appeared.
  • Rendering of rain in some indoor areas.
  • Fixed position of tree roots.
  • Correction of errors with the assignment of damage.
  • Fixed Glock17 recoil animation.
  • Fixed weapon sight position.
  • Fixed bugs with weapon reloading.
  • Fixed a bug with events for holding buttons responsible for shooting, aiming, and sprinting at low FPS.
  • Fixed a part of common network errors.
  • Fixed level design imperfections.


  • Flickering of light has been returned when Bigfoot is nearby.
  • Removed the 200 FPS limit.
  • Improved collection of in-game statistics and bugs.