Ross Lake (Old)

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Ross Lake is one of the old maps in BIGFOOT. A map with the same name and theme was introduced in 5.1.0


Completed Ross Lake map.
  1. Location: Ross Lake is depicted as a remote and dense forest area. It is a fictional location within the game's world and designed to provide players with a challenging and immersive environment to track down the legendary Bigfoot.
  2. Objective: The players' main goal in the game is to gather evidence of Bigfoot's existence, such as footprints, hair samples, and other clues while surviving the dangers of the forest. Ross Lake is where they will spend most of their time searching for these pieces of evidence.
  3. Gameplay: Players will have access to various tools and equipment to aid them in their hunt, such as traps, cameras, and tracking devices. They must manage their resources wisely and work together as a team to increase their chances of success.
  4. Challenges: Ross Lake is not only home to Bigfoot but also presents other hazards. The players will encounter wildlife, harsh weather conditions, and other unpredictable events, making their quest even more difficult.
  5. Multiplayer: "Finding Bigfoot" is primarily designed for cooperative multiplayer gameplay, where up to four players can team up to tackle the challenges and mysteries of Ross Lake together.