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Explosives are placeable items that explode when hit with any ranged or melee attack. The most efficient way to trigger one is to shoot it with any gun, or to let Bigfoot hit it while attacking a door. Explosives should always deal damage to Bigfoot when he is within 3-4 meters as well as stun him. The animation, and therefore the stun, will not occur if Bigfoot is already in an animation (e.g. stuck in a trap). This forces the player to act quickly to chain another stun (be it from an explosive or a flare gun etc.) a short while after the initial animation has ended, as Bigfoot as a short invulnerability period to stuns.

Explosives never spawn in lootable containers; they must be picked up off the ground. They have a stack size of one, meaning you can only carry one explosive at a time. Dynamite technically has a stack size of 50, although only 1 can be obtained in any given round.

Dynamite is slightly different to other explosives, as it only spawns in its vault and has to be thrown to be placed, followed by a detonation with [G].

Explosive damage decays with range. Damage values shown represent explosives triggered during the nighttime in a AI Bigfoot game and calculated to a rounded day value. Further testing will be done.

The way fire damage works here is based on a "tick" system. A "tick" happens every second or so and deals 2 damage (daytime). If Bigfoot is still in the fire, this resets. He stays on fire for 5 ticks (10 damage) once he's left the fire zone.


  • Fuel canister (red gas canister / Jerry can)
    • deals 48 damage
    • temporarily casts fire on nearby ground
    • stuns Bigfoot for 8 seconds
  • Gas bottle (blue propane tank)
    • deals 45 damage
    • does not set anything on fire
    • stuns Bigfoot for 8 seconds
  • Car battery
    • does a series of 8 shocks for 2-3 damage, totals around 19 damage
    • stuns Bigfoot on the ground for 10.7s
    • creates a temporary electric field that makes anyone standing within it fall to the ground
  • Fireworks
    • 18 damage
    • does not set anything on fire
    • stuns Bigfoot for 8 seconds
  • Dynamite
    • 75 damage
    • must be remotely detonated
    • only 1 per map, found in a safe