First-Aid Kit

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The first aid-kit is an item in BIGFOOT that can be used to heal yourself ([RMB], [H]) or your teammates ([LMB] while looking at a player).


It restores 35 - 50 hp, depending on the amount of players, with more hunters decreasing the amount healed. Initially, it heals 10 hp, with the remaining health added at a rate of 2 hp per second. Jessica heals more hp when she uses the first-aid kit on herself and others.

Any given attack from Bigfoot can only get you down to 10 hp. It is recommended to only heal once you start getting back up from an attack, so that Bigfoot can't do any unnecessary damage from moves such as savage hits (inflicts damage over multiple hits). However, if you stay on 10 hp, Bigfoot can kill you with a special attack. On 10 hp you will passively lose health very slowly, until you die.


  • Prior to 5.0, first-aid kits healed the enitre chunk of hp at once.