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5.0 is a major update and overhaul for BIGFOOT that was released on July 23rd, 2023.

This update was withdrawn due to complaints regarding its integration into the Epic Games Store and requiring and Epic Games account to play. It would later be release without this requirement, and with several bugfixes, as 5.0.1.


  • Switch from UE4 to UE5
  • Major graphics overhauls
  • Slight terrain alterations everywhere
  • Added XBox controller support
  • Performance improvements to help with new graphics
  • Most houses changed in layout and with new decor
  • Added buildings at the park entrances
  • Bears are hostile again
  • Bigfoot size increased
  • Item wheel is improved
  • Journal is removed and shown in the item wheel menu instead
  • Dynamite Controller is a separate item
  • Saved games that have been completed can no longer be loaded
  • Reload glitch patched
  • Bigfoot flees after a flare gun shot or explosion
  • Evidence spam desync glitch patched
  • Phones can't be shot to stop them from ringing
  • Better slope scaling
  • Different fall damage calculation (generall more)
  • New intro cutscene
  • New night vision camera design in hand
  • Expanded the cave in Redwood Park
  • Minimap now shows a smaller area



  • XBox Controller support.
  • Buildings redesign.
  • Trees redesign.
  • Cliffs redesign.
  • Grass redesign.
  • Volumetric ground fog effect.
  • A new animal network replicated the ragdoll system.
  • Mesh instancing tool for optimization.
  • Materials optimization.
  • Point lights optimization.
  • New locations at the entrances to the parks.
  • Added an icon over a dead unbutchered animal.
  • New action music system.
  • Added new textures and houses. Changed their layout and added new decorative elements.


  • Bug with flayer gun stun.
  • Bug with a weapon not shooting.
  • Music system fixes.
  • Bear and wolf shot sound reaction bug.
  • Resolution applies bug.
  • UI scaling bug.
  • Animal butchering bug.
  • Drone charging bug.
  • Drone camera and flight control bugs.
  • Zipline player input bugs.
  • Voice chat delay bug.
  • Replication of hunter traps over long distances bug.
  • Mesh culling bugs.
  • Some bigfoot skins obscure the player's first-person view.
  • Noise after entering the laptop stacks.
  • Randomly the sound of the rain is cut out during the game.
  • Bullets trace rendering artifacts.
  • Incorrect rendering of shadows when the sun was at a high angle at sunset.
  • Curtains interaction sound bug.
  • Installing items on carpets bug.
  • Incorrect reactions of bigfoot to explosions.
  • Level design fixes.
  • Installing a bigfoot trap in houses.
  • Totem pickup bug.


  • Bigfoot character size increased.
  • Item wheel redesign.
  • The TNT detonator is implemented as a separate item.
  • Key rebind system redesign.
  • UI and game player input system redesign.
  • Improvement of sound quality.
  • Game sessions completed with a win are indicated as completed in savegames.
  • Changed the map.